If you are an Exhibitor please enter your Login Details in the boxes provided.
You only need to sign in if you are looking to enter a show, edit your exhibitor details, edit your dog(s) details add a dog to your exhibitor name or view any of your previosuly entered shows.
If you are wanting to purchase Sagewash or Puppy Packs an Exhibitor account is not needed and you can proceed with payment as normal.

Forgot Your Login Details

Please input your email below and a username reminder and password reset will be emailed to you.
This will allow us to get you logged in as fast as we can!
Email Address

Please email Have A Dog Day direct and they will endeavour
to manually reset as soon as possible for you and send your
new password information back via email

Email to vikki@haveadogday.co.uk

Apologies for this major inconvenience

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