French Bulldog Club of England (Morning)


Show Date: 21/07/2024

Entries Closing Date: 10/07/2024

Show Venue: The Dobermann Club Training & Showground, Digswell, Hertfordshire, AL6 0BU

Click Here to download the schedule for this show

Show Entries

Unfortunatley all entries for this show are now closed.
You can still view and download a full schedule by clicking the link above for the show.

Notes on entering a Show!

Already an Exhibitor

If you haven't already added a new dog to the site or the dog you wish to enter in this show please click HERE to go to add a new dog to your account.

If you have a dog already in the system, please use the drop down box to select which dog you would like to enter in this show.

Once you have selected a dog the entries available for that Dog will be displayed.

Not yet an Exhibitor

If you want to enter a dog into this show please click HERE to go to the Register page to enter your details and then add a dog to the system to enter this show.